[Python-Dev] fileinput module tests

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Sat Dec 9 19:32:57 CET 2006

On 12/8/06, Anthony Roy <news at antroy.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a patch for the fileinput.FileInput class, adding a parameter
> to the __init__ method called write_mode in order to specify the write
> mode when using the class with the inplace parameter set to True.
> Before I submit the patch, I've added a test to the test module, and
> noticed that the module is pretty messy, with half of the tests being
> run in the module body, and the rest in a large function body.
> I propose to refactor the module, moving the tests into a
> unittest.TestCase subclass (essentially unchanged, bar changing verify
> calls to self.assert_ calls, raise TestFailed(...) to self.fail(...)
> etc). I think this will add clarity and modularity to the tests, and
> bring them into line with the unittest based test suite used by the
> test_file module amongst others (which I'm guessing are substantially
> more up to date than test_fileinput).
> Any thought?

Please do!  It's always nice to have once less test not using unittest or

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