[Python-Dev] Sharing between multiple interpreters and restricted mode

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Wed Jan 4 19:29:09 CET 2006

This is more a question for c.l.py. My own suggestion is to go back to
a single shared interpreter; what's the value of separate interpreters
if you're sharing objects anyway? Sharing Python code between
interpreters is definitely not supported. If you insist on separate
interpreters, an alternative solution to your heavyweight shared
object might be a lighter-weight facade for that object which can be
instantiated separately in each interpreter?


On 1/4/06, Gabriel Becedillas <lists at core-sdi.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> At the company I work for we've embedded Python 2.4.1 in a C++
> application. We execute multiple scripts concurrenlty, each one in its
> own interpreter (created using Py_NewInterpreter()).
> We are sharing a certain instance between interpreters because its to
> expensive to instantiate that class every time an interpreter is
> created. The class is instantiated in the main interpreter (that is
> always alive) and every time a new interpreter is created, that
> instance is added to the interpreter's __builtins__ dict.
> The problem I'm having is that some methods of that class (when
> executed in an interpreter different from the one it was created in)
> complain about being in restricted execution mode.
> Assuming that there are no issues with this instance lifetime (coz it
> will always be referenced by the main interpreter), is there a safe way
> to do some sharing between interpreters ?.
> Thanks.
> --
> Gabriel Becedillas
> Developer
> Florida 141 - 2º cuerpo - 7º piso
> C1005AAC Buenos Aires - Argentina
> Tel/Fax: (54 11) 5032-CORE (2673)
> http://www.corest.com
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--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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