[Python-Dev] Community buildbots

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Fri Jul 14 11:15:11 CEST 2006

glyph at divmod.com writes:

> I just would have appreciated the opportunity to participate in the
> discussion before the betas were out and the featureset frozen.

I think something that has happened to some extent with this release
is that there was a long-ish period where stuff got discussed and
implemented (PEPs 343 and 344, new-style exceptions, the new compiler,
the ssize_t branch) and then suddenly we went "crap!  we have to
release this!" and then the whole alpha/beta/release part has happened
much more quickly.  Maybe we should have had a more explicit
discussion on what was going to be in 2.5 before beta1, but that kind
of thing is difficult to make happen (it's entirely possible that it
did happen and I just missed it by being snowed under, but I don't
think so).


 Have you considered downgrading your arrogance to a reasonable level?
        -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp, to yet another C++-using troll

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