[Python-Dev] Alternative path suggestion

Mike Orr sluggoster at gmail.com
Sat May 6 09:37:05 CEST 2006

There's something that bothers me about putting the path in an
attribute rather than subclassing tuple.  I prefer it that way but I
don't see how you'd do directory slicing and joining.  If the path is
a tuple it's easy:

p = Path("/a/b/c")
p[:-1]         # Path("/a/b")

If the directory components are on an attribute

p.path[:-1]       # ("a", "b")

How do you do slicing and joining?  If Path subclasses object, it
could be done there like in the first example.  But if Path subclasses
string, that API is taken:

p[:-1]                # "/a/b"

Mike Orr <sluggoster at gmail.com>
(mso at oz.net address is semi-reliable)

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