[Python-Dev] [Python-3000] Warning for 2.6 and greater

Raymond Hettinger python at rcn.com
Wed Jan 10 22:11:33 CET 2007

[Thomas Wouters]
>  By Guido's plan, 3.0 will arrive well before 2.6, and the migration step is 
> not as
> large as many fear it to be. Having Python 2.6 optionally warn for 
> 3.0-compatibility
> is a lot easier for the average developer than having a separate tool or a 
> separately
> compiled Python.

If 3.0 comes out before Py2.6, ISTM that the authorative tool for checking Py3.0
compatibility is to simply run the code in Py3.0.  Anything less is sure to miss 

Also, the usual reasons apply for having a stand-alone pychecker/pylint tool or 
As a separate tool, we can make rapid updates, add new tests, fix bugs, and 
this usability of the tool in response to user feedback.

One other thought is that warnings framework may not be the best way for a 
to go about updating his or her code.  For me the warnings framework has almost
never been of use for code updates..  It is easier and more comprehensive to 
grep for
backticks or for calls to "coerce" than to run code and hope that every code 
path gets


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