[Python-Dev] popen test case inquiry in r55735 using PCBuild8

Joseph Armbruster josepharmbruster at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 15:09:44 CEST 2007


Sounds good, I will get patching tonight.  Any thoughts on CreateProcessW ?

Joseph Armbruster

On 6/4/07, Mark Hammond <mhammond at skippinet.com.au> wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I wanted to pass this one around before opening an issue on it.
> > When running the unit test for popen via rt.bat (in PCBuild8),
> > I received the following error:
> >
> > === BEGIN ERROR ===
> >
> > C:\Documents and
> > Settings\joe\Desktop\Development\Python\trunk\PCbuild8>rt test_popen
> > Deleting .pyc/.pyo files ...
> > 43 .pyc deleted, 0 .pyo deleted
> >
> > C:\Documents and
> > Settings\joe\Desktop\Development\Python\trunk\PCbuild8>win32Re
> > lease\python.exe -E -tt ../lib/test/regrtest.py test_popen
> > test_popen
> > test test_popen failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
> >    File "C:\Documents and Settings\joe\Desktop\Development\Python\...
> I can't reproduce this.  I expect you will find it is due to the space in
> the filename of your Python directory, via cmd.exe's documented behaviour
> with quote characters.  A patch that allows the test suite to work in such
> an environment would be welcome, but I think you might end up needing
> access
> to GetShortPathName() rather than CreateProcess().
> Cheers,
> Mark
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