[Python-Dev] popen test case inquiry in r55735 using PCBuild8

Joseph Armbruster josepharmbruster at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 03:09:56 CEST 2007


My apologies for being a day late, got working on some other things.
So here's the scoop as it relates to the issue at hand:

- If you run rt.bat from the trunk as-is and place it in a path that 
contains an empty space, you receive the error outlined in 

- If you run rt.bat from the trunk as-is and place it in a path that 
does not contain an empty space, you receive no errors as outlined in 

- If you run rt.bat with the patch, on Windows XP, you receive no errors 
as outlined in resultafterpatch.txt.

The patch is attached.  Probably my biggest question now is the use of 
GetVersion as opposed to GetVersionEx. According to the MSDN, it doesn't 
appear to be all that undesirable:


Your thoughts?

Joseph Armbruster

Joseph Armbruster wrote:
> Mark,
> Sounds good, I will get patching tonight.  Any thoughts on CreateProcessW ?
> Joseph Armbruster
> On 6/4/07, *Mark Hammond* < mhammond at skippinet.com.au 
> <mailto:mhammond at skippinet.com.au>> wrote:
>      > All,
>      >
>      > I wanted to pass this one around before opening an issue on it.
>      > When running the unit test for popen via rt.bat (in PCBuild8),
>      > I received the following error:
>      >
>      > === BEGIN ERROR ===
>      >
>      > C:\Documents and
>      > Settings\joe\Desktop\Development\Python\trunk\PCbuild8>rt test_popen
>      > Deleting .pyc/.pyo files ...
>      > 43 .pyc deleted, 0 .pyo deleted
>      >
>      > C:\Documents and
>      > Settings\joe\Desktop\Development\Python\trunk\PCbuild8>win32Re
>      > lease\python.exe -E -tt ../lib/test/regrtest.py test_popen
>      > test_popen
>      > test test_popen failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
>      >    File "C:\Documents and Settings\joe\Desktop\Development\Python\...
>     I can't reproduce this.  I expect you will find it is due to the
>     space in
>     the filename of your Python directory, via cmd.exe's documented
>     behaviour
>     with quote characters.  A patch that allows the test suite to work
>     in such
>     an environment would be welcome, but I think you might end up
>     needing access
>     to GetShortPathName() rather than CreateProcess().
>     Cheers,
>     Mark

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