[Python-Dev] PEP: Consolidating names and classes in the `unittest` module (updated 2008-07-15)

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Wed Jul 16 05:06:29 CEST 2008

Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> writes:

> (and don't tell me "fail" is not a negative word, because you just
> used the phrase "positive admonition" to refer to the assert*
> variants, which implies quite clearly that the fail* variants are on
> the negative side ;-))

This "fail is a negative word" has already been rebutted, by native
speakers of English. If you don't want to hear "fail is not a negative
word", I can't help you.

This doesn't seem to introduce anything new, so I'll leave the
existing summary of this argument as is in the PEP.

 \                   “Holy unrefillable prescriptions, Batman!” —Robin |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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