[Python-Dev] Decimal(unicode)

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Fri Mar 28 22:57:06 CET 2008

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> What features do you find particularly unfortunate?

Whichever ones are making people think that implementing
it in C is infeasible.

> Just because 
> something isn't particularly amenable to implementation in C, doesn't 
> make it a bad API for a Python library

No, but for something like a number type, which benefits
greatly from speed, making it actively C-hostile doesn't
seem like a good idea.

> (e.g. the dicts to enable/signal 
> the different error traps are a natural interface for Python code

I don't see why there can't be an object with a mapping
interface for this, that stores them internally as a
bit field or whatever is convenient for the C code.


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