[Python-Dev] Invitation to try out open source code review tool

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat May 3 20:46:07 CEST 2008

"Stefan Behnel" <stefan_ml at behnel.de> wrote in message 
news:481C49E5.6080403 at behnel.de...
| Any chance to try it without signing contracts with Google?


Yes.  You may read anything without an account.

No.  You may not write anything to a Google hosted service without a Google 
account, agreeing to standard Terms of Service, and signing in.  This will 
not change.

Maybe. You might someday be able to write without a Google account IF Guido 
can release as open source and IF someone adapts it to work on a different 
platform (Django with regular DB backend) and then hosts it elsewhere.  Of 
course, any such alternative would probably also require an account and 
Terms of Service agreement.


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