[Python-Dev] The interpreter accepts f(**{'5':'foo'}); is this intentional?

Michael Haggerty mhagger at alum.mit.edu
Thu Feb 5 09:03:01 CET 2009

I can't find documentation about whether there are constraints imposed
on the keys in the map passed to a function via **, as in f(**d).

According to


, d must be a mapping.

test_extcall.py implies that the keys of this map must be strings in the
following test:

    >>> f(**{1:2})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: f() keywords must be strings

But must the keys be valid python identifiers?

In particular, the following is allows by the Python 2.5.2 and the
Jython 2.2.1 interpreters:

    >>> f(**{'1':2})
    {'1': 2}

Is this behavior required somewhere by the Python language spec, or is
it an error that just doesn't happen to be checked, or is it
intentionally undefined whether this is allowed?


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