[Python-Dev] 2.7 Release? 2.7 == last of the 2.x line?

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Nov 3 10:13:52 CET 2009

Sturla Molden wrote:
> I'd just like to mention that the scientific community is highly 
> dependent on NumPy. As long as NumPy is not ported to Py3k, migration 
> is out of the question. Porting NumPy is not a trivial issue. It might 
> take a complete rewrite of the whole C base using Cython. NumPy's ABI 
> is not even PEP 3118 compliant. Changing the ABI for Py3k might break 
> extension code written for NumPy using C. And scientists tend to write 
> CPU-bound routines in languages like C and Fortran, not Python, so 
> that is a major issue as well. If we port NumPy to Py3k, everyone 
> using NumPy will have to port their C code to the new ABI. There are 
> lot of people stuck with Python 2.x for this reason. It does not just 
> affect individual scientists, but also large projects like IBM and 
> CERN's blue brain and NASA's space telecope. So please, do not cancel 
> 2.x support before we have ported NumPy, Matplotlib and most of their 
> dependant extensions to Py3k.

What will it take to *start* the port? (Or is it already underway?) For 
many projects I fear that it is only the impending obsolescence (real 
rather than theoretical) of Python 2 that will convince projects to port.

Python 2.X is not about to 'stop working', but there will come a point 
where it will 'stop being worked on'.

All the best,

> The community of scientists and engineers using Python is growing, but 
> shutting down 2.x support might bring an end to that.
> Sturla Molden
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