[Python-Dev] Buildslave gets intermittent errors in the svn step

David Bolen db3l.net at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 23:35:17 CET 2009

Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> writes:

> buildbot.interfaces.BuildSlaveTooOldError: This buildslave
> (moore-windows) does not know about multiple branches, and using
> mode=update would probably build the wrong tree. Refusing to build.
> Please upgrade the buildslave to buildbot-0.7.0 or newer.
> This is very odd, as (a) a simple rerun fixes the issue, and (b) I'm
> already on buildbot 0.7.0 or newer (can't recall the exact version).
> It's a Windows XP system, if that helps.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?

In my experience this error just means that someone tried to manually
trigger a build but put the wrong branch information (or left it
blank) on the submission form.

-- David

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