[Python-Dev] Python Language Summit #2 in February

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Wed Sep 16 13:53:28 CEST 2009

Michael Foord <fuzzyman <at> voidspace.org.uk> writes:
> Given the long discussion on the stdlib-sig it seems like a discussion 
> of the standard library would be useful. Potential topics include (some 
> of which partially overlap each other):

Let me suggest the following additional point:

* Clarifying maintainership. What is a maintainer, what can be expected from him
and what is *not* expected from him. Whether maintainers are, or are not,
"owners". What the relationship of other core developers to maintainers should
be, and should not be.

Of course, all this will perhaps have been discussed before the summit.



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