[Python-Dev] OS information, tags

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Tue Apr 13 23:33:52 CEST 2010

> That said, it's easier to add components and keywords than it is to
> add a new selection box.  I know how to do the former but not (yet)
> the latter.

It's not too difficult, either: edit schema.py to change the database
(roundup will automatically sync with the database), then edit
html/issue.item.html to display the field (pick one of the fields with a
similar type, and copy-paste).

Assuming this is an enumerated type, you actually need to start with
creating a new Class (in schema.py). Ignore initial_data.py, and just
define the class; then fill the enumerators through the web interface.

This is one of the areas where roundup rocks (email follow-ups being the
other one :-)

One of the roundup downsides is access control. Take a similar field
(access-control wise), and add the new field/class to all places where
the similar field is used. That will make sure that any AC bugs in the
original field will also spread to the new field :-(


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