[Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Apr 14 10:38:17 CEST 2010

On 14/04/2010 07:11, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind others?
> Because of lack of volunteers, and expertise (i.e. the experts lack time).

That doesn't explain why we leave a broken link in place when we do 
major releases - for days usually (if not weeks) with no explanation to 
users. That part of the release process is broken and should be fixed. 
Putting some placeholder text on the release page instead of the broken 
link is barely any more effort at all.

For the last 2.6.5 release I changed the text and removed the dead link 
myself. When the Mac installer was uploaded someone else put the link back.

>> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or had
>> time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.
> That is not surprising: none of the webmaster people would be able to
> answer the question. python-dev is indeed the right place to ask.

Which is why I sent the email onto python-dev. However, no-one responded 
until Steve.

All the best,


> Regards,
> Martin
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