[Python-Dev] code.python.org - random 403 errors

Sridhar Ratnakumar sridharr at activestate.com
Fri Apr 23 18:42:50 CEST 2010

On 2010-04-22, at 10:55 PM, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote:

> -On [20100423 02:48], Sridhar Ratnakumar (sridharr at activestate.com) wrote:
>>> Ok, I setup a cron job to maintain an internal mirror of the above mentioned repositories in code.python.org. We'll do a "hg pull -u" (equivalent to "svn up") every hour; no clones. Hopefully, that should reduce the amount of requests from our side. Let me know if in future this issue repeats.
> Dirk Jan can probably correct me (or some other heavy Hg user) but for all I
> know you should indeed simply clone once and subsequently hg pull and from
> your local copy clone as you like. (At least that's also how
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Mercurial/Getting_Started seems to
> aim at explaining.)

Since the "download Python source code" thing is just part of the ActivePython build script, and the Hudson build script deletes the "build/" directory of the previous build .. a clone was necessary. To fix this I ended up creating a "mirror" at a local site which mirror was maintained by an hourly 'hg pull -u'. The hudson build script still does a clone although from this local mirror URL.

(Incidentally, cloning from this mirror via the Apache index listing URL doesn't seem to work; gotta investigate why...)


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