[Python-Dev] Are you ready for Mercurial migration?

anatoly techtonik techtonik at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 17:16:09 CEST 2010

Éric, you letter is discouraging. This is not for coredevs, who
already "decided" - it for the rest of the world. I should clarify it
in the first place, but I would like to avoid lengthy debates outside
of the Wave.

> As a minor contributor, I’m eager for the migration,

It is not the question about do you like it or not. It is the question

                    "Are You ready?"

That means:
Have you tried Mercurial?
Do you understand how it works?
Do you have a workflow ready and tested to start commiting right away?
Do you plan to read ~100 page long hginit.com tutorial after *it happens?


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