[Python-Dev] Did I miss the decision to untabify all of the C code?

Eric Smith eric at trueblade.com
Thu May 6 02:59:26 CEST 2010

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Eric Smith <eric <at> trueblade.com> writes:
>> Last I saw Antoine had written a script that might do what we want, but 
>> hadn't been thoroughly tested. Now I've seen a few checkins for files 
>> that have been run through the script.
> As far as I'm concerned, it was a case of eating my own dog food: running the
> script over a couple of files I'm interested in (_ssl.c, _fileio.c). I believe
> Victor processed posixmodule.c for the same reasons.
>> What gives? And why do this so close to 2.7? I don't think it will cause 
>> any problems, but it's hard to review commits to ensure they have no 
>> changes when there's a rush of large commits near a release.
> Well, however soon or late we do this, good luck reviewing multi-thousand line
> commits to check no mistake sneaked in :)

That's my point. Since it's basically unreviewable, is it smart to do it 
during a beta?

I grant you that it's a largely a mechanized change (except for the "a 
posteriori manual intervention" part), but still.


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