[Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

Eric Smith eric at trueblade.com
Sat May 29 06:53:23 CEST 2010

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> I have suggested a way to move the existing concurrency stuff without 
> breaking backwards compatibility, and Terry Reedy asked if it would 
> work. I haven't seen any responses, either positive or negative.
> For the record, my suggestion was:
> for each concurrency modules:
>   move it into the concurrency package
>   add a top level module with the same name containing:
>     # e.g. for threading
>     from concurrency.threading import *

In the past the problem identified with this approach has been that 
pickles produced with new pythons would not be readable by older pythons.

I think this was the main reason that Brett's 3.0 library reorganization 
wasn't more radical. Theres a discussion if this here:
and a little more here:


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