[Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r86750 - python/branches/py3k/Demo/curses/life.py

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sat Nov 27 16:04:17 CET 2010

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 10:52 PM, Michael Foord
<fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
>> I just resign myself to having to spell words like colour and
>> serialise wrong when I'm working on Python. Compared to the
>> adjustments the non-native English speakers have to make, I figure I'm
>> getting off lightly ;)
> I *thought* that the Python policy was that English speakers wrote
> documentation in English and American speakers wrote documentation in
> American and that we *don't* insist on US spellings in the Python
> documentation?

If we're just talking about those things in generally, then that's a
reasonable rule. But when in close proximity to an actual API that
uses the American spelling, or modifying a file that uses the relevant
word a lot, following the prevailing style is a definite courtesy to
the reader.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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