[Python-Dev] PEP 291 versus Python 3
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Nov 30 14:09:16 CET 2010
On 30/11/2010 06:33, Éric Araujo wrote:
> Good morning python-dev,
> PEP 291 (Backward Compatibility for Standard Library) does not seem to
> take Python 3 into account. Is this PEP only relevant for the 2.7
> branch?* If it’s supposed to apply to 3.x too, despite the view that
> 3.0 was a clean break, what does it mean to have a module that is
> developed in the py3k branch and should retain compatibility with 2.3 or
> 1.5.2?
PEP 291 is very old and should probably be retired. I don't think anyone
is maintaining standard libraries in py3k that are also compatible with
Python 2.anything. (At least not in a single codebase.)
For Python 2.7 that may not be true, but for Python 3 I think we can
start with a clean slate on compatibility.
> * Tarek’s interpretation: “The 2.x needs to stay 2.3 compatible
> so we should keep the 3.x as similar as possible for bugfixes.”
> In the particular case of distutils (should be compatible with 2.3), we
> (including I) have been lax. Our tests for example use modern unittest
> features like skips, which makes them not runnable on old Pythons.
They can be run on old Pythons with unittest2. This is what distutils2
is doing.
> I am
> very uncomfortable with code that seems to run fine but which tests
> (however few) cannot be run, so I think I’ll have to trade the skips for
> old-style “return” statements. The other way of solving that is to
> change the compat policy.
This is only an issue for distutils in Python 2.7 right? Maintaining the
compat policy for that will be a short-lived pain, and distutils itself
is getting only infrequent bugfixes *anyway*, right? I defer to Tarek on
that particular decision.
All the best,
> If I remember correctly, the rationale for
> code compat in distutils is that people may copy distutils from Python
> x.y to their install of x.y-n; I don’t know if this is still an active
> practice, and if it is, I don’t know if it should be supported,
> considering that distutils2 (compatible with 2.4+ and available from
> PyPI) is coming.
> Regards
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