[Python-Dev] Distutils2 scripts

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Oct 12 13:19:08 CEST 2010

  On 12/10/2010 00:11, Giampaolo Rodolà wrote:
> Wouldn't be kinda weird that one can open the command prompt and run
> "pysetup" but not "python" on Windows?
> I recall an old issue on the bug tracker in which the latter proposal
> was widely discussed and finally rejected for reasons I can't remember
> (and it seems I can't even find the bug right now).
> I think it's likely that those same reasons are valid for "pysetup" in
> the same manner.
> For the record, I would be more than happy to be able to open the
> command prompt and type "pysetup" and "python" with success, one day.

Well ditto, but not everyone feels the same. If you have multiple python 
versions having them all modify the path on installation would be 
annoying - the other issue is that it is hard to deterministically undo 
a change on uninstallation. (And leaving cruft behind is bad, although 
plenty of other applications don't have as much of a conscience about it 
as we do.)

For the record I wrote about the PATH settings (etc) useful for Python 
on Windows:


Probably too basic for *you* but maybe helpful for others.

What would be *really* nice was if we had a versioned script / exe as 
well (same for python.exe on Windows) so that you could unconditionally 
add the Python directory and its Scripts directory to the PATH and then 
be able to specify which version to run. Currently you have to setup 
aliases yourself to do this.

So as well as pysetup.py/.exe I would like pysetup-3.2.py / .exe on 
Windows please. (I'd really like a python-3.2.exe as well.)

All the best,

Michael Foord

> --- Giampaolo
> http://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/
> http://code.google.com/p/psutil/
> 2010/10/12 Eric Smith<eric at trueblade.com>:
>> On 10/11/2010 5:17 PM, Giampaolo Rodolà wrote:
>>> 2010/10/8 Eric Smith<eric at trueblade.com>:
>>>> On 10/8/10 10:26 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>>>>> In any case, these could be a simple shell script wrapping 'python -m
>>>>> setup'.
>>>>> It could even take a --use-python-version option to select the pythonX.Y
>>>>> it
>>>>> used, without having to encode the Python version number in the script
>>>>> name.
>>>> On Windows it can't be a shell script or batch file, but needs to be an
>>>> executable. setuptools already deals with this.
>>> If that's the case what would I type in the command prompt in order to
>>> install a module?
>>> "C:\PythonXX\pysetup.exe"?
>>> If so I would strongly miss old "setup.py install".
>> Same thing you would type at a shell prompt. Presumably we're talking about
>> "pysetup install" (which you'll note is one character shorter!). You could
>> fully qualify the path if need be, on any platform, using its conventions.
>> Eric.
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