[Python-Dev] blog.python.org - help wanted - topics, authors, etc.

vikash agrawal vikashagrawal1990 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 11:07:34 CET 2011

hi Brian,

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Brian Curtin <brian at python.org> wrote:

> As Jesus mentioned earlier today, it has been a while since
> http://blog.python.org/ was been updated, and even before that it
> wasn't updated all that often. I'd like to try and get others involved
> so we can get a more steady flow going and highlight more of the work
> everyone is doing.
> The blog aims to keep people up-to-date on what's going on in the
> development of Python without having to follow every word of this
> mailing list, the bug tracker, IRC, etc. There are a number of topics
> that I think would be great for the blog, including but not limited
> to:
> * Surveys - Raymond likes to poll people on twitter and has done a
> bunch of surveys over IRC, usually relating to ideas on APIs. I'd love
> to put some of these up on the blog and cast a wider net.
> * New features - Introducing a new module, such as Victor's
> faulthandler, makes for a great post. As we get closer to 3.3,
> everyone will be stuffing the commit stream with new features and
> introducing interesting ones on here would be great.
> * PEPs - As we all know, PEP discussions can sometimes result in weeks
> long debates with hundreds of 500 word responses. Summarizing a
> discussion down to a blog post would probably be helpful for a lot of
> people. I know I can't follow all of these PEPs all the time, but I'd
> like to know what's going on.
> * Problems you're solving - Antoine did a nice post about his changes
> to remove polling from a number of areas in the code and why he did
> them. More explanations like this would be great.
> We run the blog out of a Mercurial repository on BitBucket and do the
> writing in reStructuredText, then publish via Blogger. There's also a
> great team of volunteer translators that can get your post out there
> in 10 languages (see the blog sidebar for the full list). We can also
> accept guest posts with zero process: you just write and we'll handle
> the back-end stuff and get your work published. I don't want to make
> people go through all kinds of hoops if they just want to make a
> one-time post about something they want to share.
> If you have any topics - specific or general -  that you'd like to see
> covered, respond here and we'll add them on the tracker.
> If you're interested in writing, contact me and I'll get you up and running

I think, if Python blog is regularly updated, it will be a great resource
for every one :), Moreover personally I feel, if we have something like
weekly (or b-weekly) interviews from core-python-developers it would be
great for new comers like me,

Also, I would love to share helping hands with you, just guide me where
should I start from :)

Vikash Agrawal

sent via HTC Sensation
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