[Python-Dev] A 'common' respository? (was Re: IDLE in the stdlib)

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Mar 21 11:07:03 CET 2013

On 3/21/2013 2:06 AM, Philip James wrote:
> I hope I'm not coming across as pedantic, because I think you have some
> good arguments listed above, but shouldn't discussion like this go in
> python-ideas rather than python-dev?

Normally yes. But since this is a counter-proposal or an alternate 
proposal to proposals already made in this thread, it belongs as an 
offshoot of this thread. This thread in turn is a continuation of 
similar threads here in the past, and involves some people who are less 
active in python-ideas. Also, it is more about technical development 
matters than about future *language* changes.

 > I'm very new to these lists, so
> forgive me if I'm stepping on any toes, I'm just trying to grok what
> kind of content should go in each list.

You are not stepping on my toes, and that is a good question to think about.

Terry Jan Reedy

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