[Python-Dev] 2.6.9rc1

Jyrki Pulliainen jyrki at dywypi.org
Sun Sep 29 21:59:12 CEST 2013

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 8:11 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:

> Just a quick reminder that I intend to cut 2.6.9rc1 tomorrow.
> Here are the open issues still on my list:
> - 16040 - nntplib: unlimited readline() from connection
>   This one is waiting for a patch, but TBH if it doesn't make it into
> 2.6.9 I
>   won't care too much.  I also don't mind reviewing and applying a patch
>   between 2.6.9rc1 and 2.6.9 final.
> - 16041 - poplib: unlimited readline() from connection
>   This one has a patch for 2.7 which does not apply cleanly to 2.6.  I'm
> of a
>   similar mind as with #16040 - if we can get a clean patch after 2.6.9rc1,
>   then fine, but otherwise I'm okay with this one not making it into 2.6.9
>   final.
I added a patch for issue 16041 in 2.6. It's not too pretty, as I added
another test case class with just a slightly different server
implementation. This is mainly due to how the tests have been reworked for
2.7 and I didn't feel too comfortable of copying those tests back to 2.6.

- Jyrki

> All other related issues have been fixed in the 2.6 branch.
> If anyone knows of any other issues that should be on the 2.6.9 radar,
> please
> let me know asap.  Remember, 2.6.9 final is currently scheduled for October
> 28, and it will be the last official 2.6 release of the series.  After
> this,
> we are retiring the 2.6 branch.  Speak now or forever hold your peace.
> Cheers,
> -Barry
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- Jyrki
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