[Python-Dev] undocumented help() function change in Python 3.4?

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Tue Mar 11 19:57:36 CET 2014

Am 11.03.2014 15:54, schrieb Guido van Rossum:
> I'm not sure I agree completely with this lax attitude about the contents of the
> docs, and especially the What's New parts of it (both Misc/NEWS and
> Doc/whatsnew/3.4.rst).

I don't think anyone here suggested not to update the whatsnew document.

> I find it very useful to have these pinpoint *exactly*
> what made it into the tarball or zipfile or whatever other form I happen to find
> the release -- you don't always have the full hg logs lying around, nor do you
> always know from which exact revision or tag a tree was built.

In any case, I like to think it's not a lax attitude, but a consistent one: we
basically don't want ANY non-critical changes in the RCs, so insufficient docs
should be treated like any other bugfix that's not a release blocker:
unfortunate, but not world-ending.

That exceptions can be and are made (e.g. for the whatsnew document) is because
for the docs the potential breakage is lower.

> Of course it's fine to improve the docs in an ongoing fashion, and if it's just
> a wording change to NEWS or whatsnew I don't mind missing it. But for specific
> entries I'd like to strive for completeness in each branch/tag/rc.
> Also, tonds of thanks to RDM for his work on the new whatsnew!



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