[Python-Dev] Hi, I am new to this board and have a question

Cameron Simpson cs at zip.com.au
Thu Feb 5 03:23:31 CET 2015

On 04Feb2015 23:18, Jianhua Zhou <jzhou at rocketsoftware.com> wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
>I am a core software engineer at Rocket Software Inc. I am working on database system called UniData and Universe.
>Now we plan to introduce Python as the new programming language to our customer. When I try to build the python 3.4.1 on Red Hat Linux platform. I found some problem and need help.
>After I run configure and make the python, at the very end, it said some optional modules we missing,
>Python build finished successfully!
>The necessary bits to build these optional modules were not found:
>_bz2                  _lzma                 _ssl
>_tkinter              zlib
>So, I went to python development guide site and found out I have to download some other source to build the optional modules.
>Since I am on RH Linux and yum is installed on my Linux box, so I run following command
>#  yum install yum-utils [...]
>Package yum-utils-1.1.30-14.el6.noarch already installed and latest version
>Looks like yum-utils is already installed. Then
>#  yum-builddep python3
>Loaded plugins: product-id, refresh-packagekit
>No such package(s): python3

Redhat don't supply python 3 on RedHat 5 or 6. I don't have access to a RHEL7 
box, but if they did and you're using RHEL7 you could just "yum install" it and 
not bother with building anything.

If you're building from source you do not need to involve RPM or yum at all.
Unless you intend to ship python3 RPMs to your customers. Do you?

Otherwise you can just:

  - install the relevant library and -devel modules from RedHat, at a guess from a RHEL6 host:

      _bz2: bzip2-devel bzip2-libs
      _tkinter: tkinter tk-devel
      _lzma: xz-devel xz-libs xz-lzma-compat
      zlib: zlib zlib-devel
      _ssl: openssl openssl-devel

  - rebuild from source as before and see what it says (configure, make, etc)

Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au>

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