[Python-Dev] (no subject)

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Feb 10 01:53:48 CET 2015

On Feb 09, 2015, at 07:46 PM, Neil Girdhar wrote:

>Also, regarding calling argument order, not any order is allowed.  Regular
>arguments must precede other kinds of arguments.  Keyword arguments must
>precede **-args.  *-args must precede **-args.   However, I agree with
>Antoine that PEP 8 should be updated to suggest that *-args should precede
>any keyword arguments.  It is currently allowed to write f(x=2, *args),
>which is equivalent to f(*args, x=2).

But if we have to add a PEP 8 admonition against some syntax that's being
newly added, why is this an improvement?

I had some more snarky/funny comments to make, but I'll just say -1.  The
Rationale in the PEP doesn't sell me on it being an improvement to Python.


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