[Python-Dev] Issue #26204: compiler now emits a SyntaxWarning on constant statement

Joseph Martinot-Lagarde contrebasse at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 04:57:02 EST 2016

Victor Stinner <victor.stinner <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I changed the Python compiler to ignore any kind "constant
> expressions", whereas it only ignored strings and integers before:
> http://bugs.python.org/issue26204
> The compiler now also emits a SyntaxWarning on such case. IMHO the
> warning can help to detect bugs for developers who just learnt Python.
> The warning is *not* emited for strings, since triple quoted strings
> are a common syntax for multiline comments.
> The warning is *not* emited neither for ellispis (...) since "f():
> ..." is a legit syntax for abstract function.

I frequently use 1/0 as a quick break in a script or a program (it's even
more useful with post-mortem debugging). Would it be considered as a
constant and ignored instead of raising a ZeroDivisionError ?


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