[Python-Dev] fullOfEels, assistant program for writing Python extension modules in C

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Thu Feb 11 11:30:37 EST 2016

You're almost certainly aware of this, but just to double check since you
don't mention it in the email: cython is also a great tool for handling
similar situations. Not quite the same since in addition to generating all
the boilerplate for you it then lets you use almost-python to actually
write the C implementations as well, and I understand that with your tool
you write the actual implementations in C. But probably also worth
considering in cases where you'd consider this tool, so wanted to make sure
it was on your radar.
On Feb 11, 2016 8:21 AM, "Hugh Fisher" <hugo.fisher at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've written a Python program named fullOfEels to speed up the first
> stages of writing Python extension modules in C.
> It is not a replacement for SWIG, SIP, or ctypes. It's for the case
> where you want to work in the opposite direction, specifying a Python
> API and then writing an implementation in C. (A small niche maybe, but
> I hope it isn't just me who sometimes works this way.)
> The input is a Python module specifying what it should do but not how,
> with all the functions, classes, and methods being just pass. The
> output is a pair of .h and .c files with all the boilerplate C code
> required: module initialization, class type structs, C method
> functions and method tables.
> Downloadable from
> https://bitbucket.org/hugh_fisher/fullofeels
> All feedback and suggestions welcome.
> --
>         cheers,
>         Hugh Fisher
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