[Python-Dev] Thank you.

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sun Feb 21 13:08:59 EST 2016

Alexander Walters <tritium-list at sdamon.com> writes:

> I don't know if it is appropriate for this list, or not.  I don't
> exactly care.  As much as I might disagree with some of you...

If you intend to address the Python core developers, this is an
appropriate forum in which to express thanks.

> Thank you.
> Your work on Python has made a notable difference in how happy my life is.

Agreed. This community has robust disagreements that nevertheless remain
civil and respectful.

The ongoing development of Python makes my life, and the lives of many
people whom I care about, significantly better. Thank you all.

 \      “Only the shallow know themselves.” —Oscar Wilde, _Phrases and |
  `\                      Philosophies for the Use of the Young_, 1894 |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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