[Python-Dev] Very old git mirror under github user "python-git"

Senthil Kumaran senthil at uthcode.com
Sat Feb 27 18:41:28 EST 2016

> On Feb 27 2016, at 2:47 pm, Ian Lee <ianlee1521 at gmail.com> wrote:  


> Perhaps the better / easier solution is to promote the *real* “Sem-official
read-only mirror of the Python Mercurial repository” [1] ? And perhaps this
goes away entirely (in time) with PEP-512 [2]?  


We will be working to promote the github repo, once the migration and PEP-512
is complete.

Promoting semi-official repo in the interim (as opposed the active one in
hg.python.org) does not seem like a good idea.


This thread about claiming ownership of look-alike repo and we could
concentrate our discussion on that alone.


FWIW, that old look-alike (python-dev) repo as been in existence for years now
and it has not caused any confusion. Once python moves to github, I think, we
can ask for some logo or some kind of validation that will help users easily
identify the originality.






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