[Python-Dev] BDFL ruling request: should we block forever waiting for high-quality random bits?

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Sat Jun 11 16:26:39 EDT 2016

http://bugs.python.org/issue27288 covers updating the secrets module to use

http://bugs.python.org/issue27292 covers documenting the drawbacks of

http://bugs.python.org/issue27293 covers documenting all of the issues
pointed out in this discussion.

Only issue I can think of that we're missing is one to track reverting
os.urandom() to 3.4 semantics (any doc updates required for the random
module?). Am I missing anything?

On Sat, Jun 11, 2016, 12:41 Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 11:30 AM, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
>> On Jun 11, 2016, at 1:39 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
>> Is the feature detection desire about being able to write code that runs
>> on older Python versions or for platforms that just don't have getrandom()?
>> My assumption was that nobody would actually use these flags except the
>> secrets module and people writing code that generates long-lived secrets --
>> and the latter category should be checking platform and versions anyway
>> since they need the whole stack to be secure (if I understand Ted Ts'o's
>> email right).
>> My assumption is also that the flags should be hints (perhaps only
>> relevant on Linux) -- platforms that can't perform the action desired
>> (because their system's API doesn't support it) would just do their default
>> action, assuming the system API does the best it can.
>> The problem is that someone writing software that does
>> os.urandom(block=True) or os.urandom(exception=True) which gets some bytes
>> doesn’t know if it got back cryptographically secure random because Python
>> called getrandom() or if it got back cryptographically secure random
>> because it called /dev/urandom and that gave it secure random because it’s
>> on a platform that defines that as always returning secure or because it’s
>> on Linux and the urandom pool is initialized or if it got back some random
>> bytes that are not cryptographically secure because it fell back to reading
>> /dev/urandom on Linux prior to the pool being initialized.
>> The “silently does the wrong thing, even though I explicitly asked for it
>> do something different” is something that I would consider to be a footgun
>> and footgun’s in security sensitive code make me really worried.
> Yeah, but we've already established that there's a lot more upset,
> rhetoric and worry than warranted by the situation.
>> Outside of the security side of things, if someone goes “Ok I need some
>> random bytes and I need to make sure it doesn’t block”, then doing
>> ``os.random(block=False, exception=False)`` isn’t going to make sure that
>> it doesn’t block except on Linux.
> To people who "just want some random bytes" we should recommend the random
> module.
>> In other words, it’s basically impossible to ensure you get the behavior
>> you want with these flags which I feel like will make everyone unhappy
>> (both the people who want to ensure non-blocking, and the people who want
>> to ensure cryptographically secure). These flags are an attractive nuisance
>> that look like they do the right thing, but silently don’t.
> OK, it looks like the flags just won't make you happy, and I'm happy to
> give up on them. By default the status quo will win, and that means neither
> these flags nor os.getrandom(). (But of course you can roll your own using
> ctypes. :-)
>> Meanwhile if we have os.urandom that reads from /dev/urandom and
>> os.getrandom() which reads from blocking random, then we make it both
>> easier to ensure you get the behavior you want, either by using the
>> function that best suits your needs:
>> * If you just want the best the OS has to offer, os.getrandom falling
>> back to os.urandom.
> Actually the proposal for that was the secrets module. And the secrets
> module would be the only user of os.urandom(blocking=True).
>> * If you want to ensure you get cryptographically secure bytes,
>> os.getrandom, falling back to os.urandom on non Linux platforms and
>> erroring on Linux.
> "Erroring" doesn't sound like it satisfies the "ensure" part of the
> requirement. And I don't see the advantage of os.getrandom() over the
> secrets module. (Either way you have to fall back on os.urandom() to
> suppport Python 3.5 and before.)
>> * If you want to *ensure* that there’s no blocking, then os.urandom on
>> Linux (or os.urandom wrapped with timeout code anywhere else, as that’s the
>> only way to ensure not blocking cross platform).
> That's fine with me.
>> * If you just don’t care, YOLO it up with either os.urandom or
>> os.getrandom or random.random.
> Now you're just taking the mickey.
>> I think the problem with making os.urandom() go back to always reading
>> /dev/urandom is that we've come to rely on it on all platforms, so we've
>> passed that station.
>> Sorry, to be more specific I meant the 3.4 behavior, which was
>> open(“/dev/urandom”).read() on *nix and CryptGenRandom on Windows.
> I am all for keeping it that way. The secrets module doesn't have to use
> any of these, it can use an undocumented extension module for all I care.
> Or it can use os.urandom() and trust Ted Ts'o.
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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