[Python-Dev] Why does PEP 7/8 explicitly suggest 2 spaces after a period?

Bernardo Sulzbach mafagafogigante at gmail.com
Fri May 20 12:37:05 EDT 2016

On 05/20/2016 01:27 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> Is there a specific reason for calling out two spaces in comments after a
> period(I realize it's probably for consistency, but I sure don't ever think
> about this when I write comment)? Otherwise who actually still writes using
> two spaces after punctuation? :)

I've also asked myself this question. It may have made more sense back 
then, but nowadays I only get double spaces after a period if Ms. Vim 
decides to use them there for me, making me do substitution magic to 
"clean" it later on.

There may even be a way to disable this in Vim (without changing the 
sources and recompiling), but I never looked after it.

For modern monospaced typefaces and screen resolutions one space after a 
period is as readable (arguably even better looking) than two.

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