[Python-Dev] PEP 432 progress: Python initalization

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Thu Dec 14 10:31:41 EST 2017

Currently, we have the following configuration options:

typedef struct {
    int ignore_environment; /* -E */
    int use_hash_seed;      /* PYTHONHASHSEED=x */
    unsigned long hash_seed;
    int _disable_importlib; /* Needed by freeze_importlib */
    const char *allocator;  /* Memory allocator: _PyMem_SetupAllocators() */
    int dev_mode;           /* -X dev */
    int faulthandler;       /* -X faulthandler */
    int tracemalloc;        /* -X tracemalloc=N */
    int import_time;        /* -X importtime */
    int show_ref_count;     /* -X showrefcount */
    int show_alloc_count;   /* -X showalloccount */
    int dump_refs;          /* PYTHONDUMPREFS */
    int malloc_stats;       /* PYTHONMALLOCSTATS */
    int utf8_mode;          /* -X utf8 or PYTHONUTF8 environment variable */

    wchar_t *module_search_path_env; /* PYTHONPATH environment variable */
    wchar_t *home;          /* PYTHONHOME environment variable,
                               see also Py_SetPythonHome(). */
    wchar_t *program_name;  /* Program name, see also Py_GetProgramName() */
} _PyCoreConfig;


typedef struct {
    int install_signal_handlers;
    PyObject *argv;                 /* sys.argv list, can be NULL */
    PyObject *module_search_path;   /* sys.path list */
    PyObject *warnoptions;          /* sys.warnoptions list, can be NULL */
    PyObject *xoptions;             /* sys._xoptions dict, can be NULL */
} _PyMainInterpreterConfig;


2017-12-14 16:16 GMT+01:00 Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Serhiy Storchaka seems to be worried by the high numbers of commits in
> https://bugs.python.org/issue32030 "PEP 432: Rewrite Py_Main()", so
> let me explain the context of this work :-)
> To prepare CPython to implement my UTF-8 Mode PEP (PEP 540), I worked
> on the implementation of Nick Coghlan's PEP 432:
> PEP 432 -- Restructuring the CPython startup sequence
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0432/
> The startup sequence is a big pile of code made of multiple functions:
> main(), Py_Main(), Py_Initialize(), Py_Finalize()... and a lot of tiny
> "configuration" functions like Py_SetPath().
> Over the years, many configuration options were added in the middle of
> the code. The priority of configuration options is not always correct
> between command line options, envrionment variables, configuration
> files (like "pyenv.cfg"), etc. For technical reasons, it's hard to
> impement properly the -E option (ignore PYTHON* environment
> variables).
> For example, the new PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE environment variable (of PEP
> 538) doesn't handle properly -E (it ignores -E), because it was too
> complex to support -E. -- I'm working on fixing this.
> Last weeks, I mostly worked on the Py_Main() function,
> Modules/getpath.c and PC/getpathp.c, to "refactor" the code:
> * Split big functions (300 to 500 lines) into multiple small functions
> (50 lines or less), to make it easily to follow the control flow and
> to allow to more easily move code
> * Replace static and global variables with memory allocated on the heap.
> * Reorganize how the configuration is read: populate a first temporary
> structure (_PyMain using wchar_t*), then create Python objects
> (_PyMainInterpreterConfig) to finish with the real configuration (like
> setting attributes of the sys module). The goal is to centralize all
> code reading configuration to fix the priority and to simplify the
> code.
> My motivation was to write a correct implementation of the UTF-8 Mode (PEP 540).
> Nick's motivation is to make CPython easily to embed. His plan for
> Python 3.8 is to give access to the new _PyCoreConfig and
> _PyMainInterpreterConfig structures to:
> * easily give access to most (if not all?) configuration options to "embedders"
> * allow to configure Python without environment variables, command
> line options, configuration files, but only using these structures
> * allow to configure Python using Python objects (PyObject*) rather
> than C types (like wchar_t*)
> (I'm not sure that I understood correctly, so please read the PEP 432 ;-))
> IMHO the most visible change of the PEP 432 is to split Python
> initialization in two parts:
> * Core: strict minimum to use the Python C API
> * Main: everything else
> The goal is to introduce the opportunity to configure Python between
> Core and Main.
> The implementation is currently a work-in-progress. Nick will not have
> the bandwidth, neither do I, to update his PEP and finish the
> implementation, before Python 3.7. So this work remains private until
> at least Python 3.8.
> Another part of the work is to enhance the documentation. You can for
> example now find an explicit list of C functions which can be called
> before Py_Initialize():
> https://docs.python.org/dev/c-api/init.html#before-python-initialization
> And also a list of functions that must not be called before
> Py_Initialize(), whereas you might want to call them :-)
> Victor

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