[Python-Dev] Is Windows XP still supported on Python 2.7?

Alex Walters tritium-list at sdamon.com
Mon Jul 24 05:38:07 EDT 2017

The promise that PEP-11 is making is that as long as a python was released
while Microsoft still supported that OS, and that python is still supported,
there will still be a python that works for you.  So, yes, Windows XP is
long since unsupported by Microsoft, but a disturbing number of people still
run it.  (I think the NHS in the UK still runs embedded windows XP, just to
name a big one).  Yes, it's a support burden, but it's on the support burden
version of python anyways.  2.7 is a very slow moving branch so it shouldn't
be THAT big of a pain for the last 2 years of python 2 support.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Python-Dev [mailto:python-dev-bounces+tritium-
> list=sdamon.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Victor Stinner
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 5:05 AM
> To: Python Dev <Python-Dev at python.org>; David Bolen
> <db3l.net at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Python-Dev] Is Windows XP still supported on Python 2.7?
> Hi,
> We have a Windows XP buildbot for Python 2.7, run by David Bolen:
> http://buildbot.python.org/all/builders/x86%20Windows%20XP%202.7/
> test_bsddb3 fails randomly on this buildbot:
> http://bugs.python.org/issue30778
> But Windows XP clearly reached its end-of-life, Microsoft doesn't
> support it anymore. So my question is if it makes sense to spend time
> on it?
> We have a rule for new x.y.0 released, but not if a Microsoft Windows
> support expires during the lifetime of a Python release (2.7 here):
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0011/#microsoft-windows
> Firefox made great efforts to support Windows XP last years, but they
> decided to drop support last March with Firefox 52, last release
> supporting XP and Visa:
> https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/end-support-windows-xp-and-vista
> Victor
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