[Python-Dev] Program runs in 12s on Python 2.7, but 5s on Python 3.5 -- why so much difference?

Ben Hoyt benhoyt at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 15:35:22 EDT 2017

Thanks for testing.

Oddly, I just tested it in Linux (Ubuntu), and get the same results as you
-- Python 2.7.13 outperforms 3 (3.5.3 in my case) by a few percent. And
even under a Virtualbox VM it takes 3.4 and 3.6 seconds, compared to ~5s on
the host macOS operating system. Very odd. I guess that means Virtualbox is
very good, and that clang/LLVM is not as good at optimizing the Python VM
as gcc is.

I can't find anything majorly different about my macOS Python 2 and 3
builds. Both look like they have PGO turned on (from
sysconfig.get_config_vars()). Both have HAVE_COMPUTED_GOTOS=1 but
USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS=0 for some reason. My Python 2 version is the macOS
system version (/usr/local/bin/python2), whereas my Python3 version is from
"brew install", so that's probably the difference, though still doesn't
explain exactly why.


On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 1:49 PM, Wang, Peter Xihong <
peter.xihong.wang at intel.com> wrote:

> Hi Ben,
> Out of curiosity with a quick experiment, I ran your pentomino.py with
> 2.7.12 PGO+LTO build (Ubuntu OS 16.04.2 LTS default at /usr/bin/python),
> and compared with 3.7.0 alpha1 PGO+LTO (which I built a while ago), on my
> SkyLake processor based desktop, and 2.7 outperforms 3.7 by 3.5%.
> On your 2.5 GHz i7 system, I'd recommend making sure the 2 Python binaries
> you are comparing are in equal footings (compiled with same optimization
> Thanks,
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Python-Dev [mailto:python-dev-bounces+peter.xihong.wang=intel.com@
> python.org] On Behalf Of Nathaniel Smith
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 7:00 PM
> To: Ben Hoyt <benhoyt at gmail.com>
> Cc: Python-Dev <python-dev at python.org>
> Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] Program runs in 12s on Python 2.7, but 5s on
> Python 3.5 -- why so much difference?
> I'd probably start with a regular C-level profiler, like perf or
> callgrind. They're not very useful for comparing two versions of code
> written in Python, but here the Python code is the same (modulo changes in
> the stdlib), and it's changes in the interpreter's C code that probably
> make the difference.
> On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 9:03 AM, Ben Hoyt <benhoyt at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > (Not entirely sure this is the right place for this question, but
> > hopefully it's of interest to several folks.)
> >
> > A few days ago I posted a note in response to Victor Stinner's
> > articles on his CPython contributions, noting that I wrote a program
> > that ran in 11.7 seconds on Python 2.7, but only takes 5.1 seconds on
> > Python 3.5 (on my 2.5 GHz macOS i7), more than 2x as fast. Obviously
> > this is a Good Thing, but I'm curious as to why there's so much
> difference.
> >
> > The program is a pentomino puzzle solver, and it works via code
> > generation, generating a ton of nested "if" statements, so I believe
> > it's exercising the Python bytecode interpreter heavily. Obviously
> > there have been some big optimizations to make this happen, but I'm
> > curious what the main improvements are that are causing this much
> difference.
> >
> > There's a writeup about my program here, with benchmarks at the bottom:
> > http://benhoyt.com/writings/python-pentomino/
> >
> > This is the generated Python code that's being exercised:
> > https://github.com/benhoyt/python-pentomino/blob/master/generated_solv
> > e.py
> >
> > For reference, on Python 3.6 it runs in 4.6 seconds (same on Python
> > 3.7 alpha). This smallish increase from Python 3.5 to Python 3.6 was
> > more expected to me due to the bytecode changing to wordcode in 3.6.
> >
> > I tried using cProfile on both Python versions, but that didn't say
> > much, because the functions being called aren't taking the majority of
> the time.
> > How does one benchmark at a lower level, or otherwise explain what's
> > going on here?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ben
> >
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> Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org ______________________________
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