[Python-Dev] "Micro-optimisations can speed up CPython"

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Mon May 29 10:15:43 EDT 2017

29.05.17 15:13, Antoine Pitrou пише:
> I hope readers won't get bothered by what is mostly a link to blogpost
> (well, two of them :-)), but I suspect there at least 2 or 3 people
> who might be interested in the following analysis:
> https://www.corsix.org/content/compilers-cpython-interpreter-main-loop
> http://www.corsix.org/content/micro-optimisations-can-speed-up-cpython

Interesting articles, thank you. I wonder why the author doesn't propose 
his patches for CPython. Does he fear that CPython can become faster 
than Lua? ;-)

And the following article should be especially interesting for Victor:


The part of optimizations already are applied in 3.6 and 3.7, but `a + 
b` still is slower than `a.__add__(b)`.

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