[Python-Dev] Friendly reminder: be kind to one another

Glenn Linderman v+python at g.nevcal.com
Mon Jan 29 21:39:31 EST 2018

On 1/29/2018 6:16 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> Over the last 3 days I have had two situations come up where I was 
> asked for my opinion in regards to possible CoC violations. I just 
> wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone that open source 
> does not work if we are not open, considerate, and respectful to one 
> another (which also happens to be the PSF CoC that we are all expected 
> to follow when working on Python). When we stop being kind to each 
> other is when open source falls apart because it drives people away, 
> and for a project that is driven by volunteers like Python that will 
> be what ends this project (not to say people should be rude to 
> corporate open source projects, but they can simply choose to switch 
> to a core dump approach of open source).
> I gave a talk at PyCascades this past week on setting expectations for 
> open source participation: https://youtu.be/HiWfqMbJ3_8?t=7m24s . I 
> had at least one person who was upset about no one getting to their 
> pull request quickly come up to me afterwards and apologize for ever 
> feeling that way after watching my talk, so do please watch it if you 
> have ever felt angry at an open source maintainer or contributor to 
> help keep things in perspective.
> I also wanted to say that I think core developers should work extra 
> hard to be kind as we help set the tone for this project which can 
> leak into the broader community. People with commit privileges are not 
> beyond rebuke and so people should never feel they are not justified 
> speaking up when they feel a core developer has been rude to them.
> Anyway, the key point is to remember is that people are what make this 
> project and community work, so please make sure that you do what you 
> can to keep people wanting to participate.

Thanks Brett, I'll have to watch that. But even before I do, let me 
comment that being kind is not something you will have to regret later.
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