[Python-Dev] Question about PEP 484

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Mon Jul 16 14:04:46 EDT 2018

On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 at 10:32 Adam Cataldo via Python-Dev <
python-dev at python.org> wrote:

> *Hi Folks,Cc: Rebecca, pytypeThis is Adam Cataldo; I’m the engineering
> manager for the Python team at Google. Rebecca Chen, our lead pytype
> <https://github.com/google/pytype> contributor, and I are interested in
> helping finalize PEP 484 if possible. To that end, we wanted to find out
> what technical issues the PEP 484 authors feel they still need to finalize.
> We also wanted to know how we can help.We have a large Python code base at
> Google, and may be able to use this to help resolve current incomplete
> definitions, by collecting data on how types are used. We also have a
> couple ambiguities that we’d love to get closure on: - One thing we care
> about in particular, given the implementation of pytype, is the detailed
> definition of what goes in a .pyi file. Do folks think this makes sense to
> include as part of PEP 484, or would this be better in a separate PEP? We’d
> love to get your thoughts.*

What specifically do you want beyond

> * - The relationship between unicode and typing.Text in Python 2 has been
> a recurring source of confusion for our users. Especially since we
> contributed <https://github.com/python/peps/pull/302> to the current state
> of affairs, we’d like to figure out how to establish clarity here.Thoughts?*

Do be aware, Adam, that due to Guido's retirement last week people might be
a bit preoccupied and so a little slow in responding. But then again Guido
just got a bit more free time so he might chime in on this one. ;)
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