[Python-Dev] Some PRs to merge?

Stephane Wirtel stephane at wirtel.be
Fri Oct 19 12:57:54 EDT 2018

Hi all,

How are you? I am fine ;-) and you?

So, on this morning I was playing with the github interface and the
pull requests of CPython and I have discovered the advanced search of
Github and I think this one is really useful for us and certainly for
the core-dev.

So, I was interested by somes PRs.

PRs with this status:
* open
* review is approved
* status of the CI is 'success'
* has labels "awaiting merge", "CLA signed" and -"DO-NOT-MERGE"

total: 49 PRs

In the GitHub interface, here is the criteria

is:open is:pr review:approved status:success label:"awaiting merge" -label:"DO-NOT-MERGE" label:""LA signed""

But if you want to see the result in your browser, just click on this link.

Here are the numbers:

* just open: 959
* and with label "CLA signed": 900
    label:"CLA signed"
* and with label "awaiting merge": 169
    label:"awaiting merge"
* and without label "DO-NOT-MERGE": 152
* with CI is happy ;-): 112
* with review is approved: 49

total: 49 PRs could be merged.

I was really surprised by this tool, (doc:

But I was thinking about one thing, how can I help the core-devs to
merge these PRs?

Each week, I can send a report to this ML with the "mergeable" PRs.
This kind of report could be useful for you?

Have a nice day,


Stéphane Wirtel - https://wirtel.be - @matrixise

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