[python-events] Upcoming PyLadies Dublin events to be added to Python user group calendar

Vicky Twomey-Lee - Python Ireland whykay at python.ie
Wed Jan 14 01:01:39 CET 2015

Hi All,

Please add the following events:

* name of the event: PyLadies Dublin
* type of event: Meetup
* focus on Python: Coding and chatting about Python and its related
* approximate number of attendees: Up to 12
* location: Irish Computer Society, 87-89 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4, Ireland
* dates/times/recurrence: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 / 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM /
3rd Tue of each month (location changes each month)
* URL: http://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/218943084/

* name of the event: PyLadies Dublin
* type of event: Meetup
* focus on Python: Coding and chatting about Python and its related
* approximate number of attendees: Up to 12
* location: Metricfire, 47 Drury Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
* dates/times/recurrence: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 / 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM /
3rd Tue of each month (location changes each month)
* URL: http://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/218943245/


/// Vicky Twomey-Lee (PyLadies Dublin <https://twitter.com/pyladiesdub>

Python Ireland <http://python.ie/> Treasurer
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