[python-events] Python drink during FOSDEM

Richard Jones richard at python.org
Wed Jan 14 01:32:06 CET 2015


On Wed Jan 14 2015 at 10:46:27 AM Ludovic Gasc <gmludo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is a new event for Python calendar:
>    - the name of the event: Aperos Python Belgium during Python-FOSDEM
>    - type of event: Drink+eat event
>    - focus on Python and approximate size: 75+
>    -
>    the location: Delirium cafe, Impasse De La Fidélité 4, B-1000 Brussels
>    - the dates/times (including the time zone): saturday, January 31st 19:45
>    GMT+1
>    -
>    a URL with more details for the event:
>    http://doodle.com/ngdeesgbr6dcx3f5
> Details:
> The next "Aperos Python Belgium" will take place on saturday, January 31st
> in Brussels.
> You can come for drinking or if you wish, you can also register for the
> meal that follows, in a near place, at "Chez Léon" for 20:30, rue des
> Bouchers 18, B-1000 Brussels.
> Meeting from 19:45, on first floor of Delirium cafe, Impasse De La
> Fidélité 4, B-1000 Brussels.
> If you are a FOSDEM attendee, you can meet us at the Python devroom
> (H.1301 room), after the end of lightning talks to go to Delirium cafe
> together.
> Regards.
> --
> Ludovic Gasc
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