[Python-ideas] PYTHONUSERBASES (plural!)

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Thu Apr 23 10:34:56 CEST 2009

Ben Finney wrote:
> Larry Hastings <larry at hastings.org> writes:
>> Shall I put you down as a -1?  (I'm not having a lot of luck getting
>> numeric votes outta folks.)
> Perhaps that should be interpreted as a preference for discussing ideas
> and finding the good *and* bad in them, rather than artificially
> distilling the discussion to a linear vote.

Surely numeric voting in Python newsgroups has a long and rich 
tradition.  And I don't think "-1" is a misrepresentation of Nick's 
reaction to my proposal.  But I do await his reply.

While we're on the subject, I've just posted a patch, here:


Note that I had a change of heart and renamed the environment variable, 
as someone suggested.  The current name is PYTHONPREFIXES.

I'm going to nip off and post about it to python-dev,


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