[Python-ideas] String formatting and namedtuple

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Wed Feb 11 22:48:09 CET 2009

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> wrote:
> [Guido van Rossum]
>> I thought the plan was to start deprecating % in 3.1 and remove it at
>> some later release (maybe 3.3). Or did I miss a reversal on this?
> I thought we had backed-off on this for a number of reasons.

Can you refer me to a thread?

> * waiting to see if users actually adopt and prefer the new way

Without deprecation as the stick I doubt that they will bother to even try it.

> * no compelling reason to force people to convert right away

3.3 is not right away. :-)

> * need a tool for automatic conversion (this may not be easy)

I believe we punted on this, otherwise we would have removed % from 3.0.

> * the code and api for the new-way hasn't had a chance to be  shaken-out and
> battle-tested in real-world apps yet.  both
>  the api and implementation are not yet mature (i.e. how well
>  does it work in templating apps and whatnot).

Fair enough. But again, 3.3 is a long time away.

> Raymond

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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