[Python-ideas] Documenting Python warts on Stack Overflow

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Mon Dec 31 01:48:21 CET 2012

On Sun, 30 Dec 2012 18:06:08 -0600
Ryan Macy <ryan at hackery.io> wrote:
> I'm a young developer (22) that is aspiring to contribute to the python 
> language and I think another perspective could help the conversation. 
> What I believe Anataoly is asking for, albeit phrased in a different 
> manner, is the ability to clearly see what the core issues/needs are in 
> the language. I've been able to discern through time, and the python 
> mailing lists, that packaging, multitasking, and timezone support are 
> areas that could use help. Sure, 'wart' is subjective, but I believe the 
> point made in between the lines is valid.

I'm not sure Anatoly is talking about things that have to be improved,
rather than things which are lacking (in his opinion, or in the general
opinion) and which nevertheless won't be fixed for various reasons.

These things would have a place in the FAQ, if Anatoly wants to
contribute documentation patches:



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