[Python-ideas] Idea: Google Groups web interface for Ideas

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Jan 3 22:18:43 CET 2012

On Dec 27, 2011, at 09:01 AM, anatoly techtonik wrote:

>As you may know, the python-ideas list is opened only to subscribers. This 
>is inconvenient, because:
>1. it requires three step subscription process
>2. it is impossible to post a reply to existing thread/idea
>There is a web-interface in Google Groups at 
>https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/python-ideas that can solve 
>problems above and provide some more nifty features such as embedded 
>search.  But there comes another problem that messages posted through the 
>group doesn't end in list, because list requires subscription.  I've 
>already tried to find a solution, but run out of time, so I summarized the 
>proposal at http://wiki.python.org/moin/MailmanWithGoogleGroups

I disagree with some of the statements on that wiki page.

Most if not all of our mailing lists are mirrored on Gmane and very likely
many other public archive sites.  You can read and post to mailing lists
through Gmane, after an initial verification dance, just like I'm doing here
to this message.

The problem with search and "thread notifications" (if I understand the latter
correctly) is a problem with Pipermail, not specifically Mailman even though
the former is bundled with the latter.  I've been begging people for at least
a decade to help out with modernizing Pipermail, but the truth is that the
state of the art in open source archivers has been abysmal for years.

OpenID/OpenAuth (maybe BrowserID, etc.) - come join us in the Mailman 3
project, and help us get things polished so we can release it.

I'd certainly welcome a Google Groups mirror of any of our mailing lists, just
as I welcome mirrors on Gmane, The Mail Archive, etc.  I do think our core
technology ought to be open source, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't
maximize the reach of these valuable assets of ours.

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