[Python-ideas] An error in multiprocessing on MacOSX?

Sturla Molden sturla at molden.no
Tue Nov 27 18:22:24 CET 2012

On 27.11.2012 18:03, Sturla Molden wrote:

> Indeed it does :) But it seems the handle duplication is only used when
> the Popen class is initiated, so it is not more flexible than just
> inheriting handles on fork or CreateProcess. It would be nice to pass
> newly created fds to child processes that are already running.

Actually, it seems the non-Windows versions still use os.fork for 
inheriting fds. So fd passing is only used on Windows, and the use of fd 
passing on the Windows version is only used to simulate handle 
inheritance (which CreateProcess can do as well). It seems its use is 
held back by the use of fork to inherit fds on non-Windows versions.

If the fd passing was used in a specialized queue, e.g. called 
multiprocessing.fdqueue, the means of startup should not matter.


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