[Python-ideas] PEP 485: A Function for testing approximate equality

Ron Adam ron3200 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 04:53:49 CET 2015

On 02/05/2015 06:44 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 11:39:43AM -0800, Chris Barker wrote:
>>> > >- What if a tolerance is inf or nan? What if all args are inf or nan?
>> >
>> >0.0 < rel_tol < 1.0)
> I can just about see the point in restricting rel_tol to the closed
> interval 0...1, but not the open interval. Mathematically, setting the tolerance to 0
> should just degrade gracefully to exact equality, and a tolerance of
> 1 is nothing special at all.

I Agree.

> Values larger than 1 aren't often useful, but there really is no reason
> to exclude tolerances larger than 1. "Give or take 300%" (ie.
> rel_tol=3.0) is a pretty big tolerance, but it is well-defined: a
> difference of 299% is "close enough", 301% is "too far".

I agree here too.

The question I have is, is it better to get an excption, and possibly need 
to wrap the isclose() in a try-except, or better to let it go above 1?

If this is used in many places, I can see wrapping it in try-excepts as a 
bigger problem.  The same goes for when both tolerances are zero.

> You might argue that if you want exact equality, you shouldn't use a
> tolerance at all but just use == instead. But consider a case where
> you might be trying calculations repeatedly and decreasing the tolerance
> until it fails:
> # doesn't handle termination properly
> rel_tol = pick_some_number
> while close_to(something, something_else, rel_tol):
>      rel_tol /= 2
> In some cases, your calculation may actually be exact, and it simplies
> the code if close_to(a, b, rel_tol) degrades nicely to handle the exact
> case rather than you needing to switch between close_to and == by hand.

Yes.. +1

> Negative error tolerances, on the other hand, do seem to be meaningless
> and should be prevented.

No they are well behaved.  It's just a measurement from the other end of 
the board. ;-)

       t = .1   (10 - 10 * .1,  10 + 10 * .1)
                (9, 11)

       t = -.1   (10 - 10 * -.1,  10 + 10 * -.1)
                 (11, 9)

So you get the same range either way.  It works out in the isclose 
calculations just fine,  a negative tolerance would give the same result as 
the positive of the same value.

Again, is this a place where we would want an exception, and would we need 
to write it like isclose(a, b, rel_tolerance=abs(t)) any place where the 
tolerance value might go negative, or would we like it to be more forgiving 
and easier to use?

>> >I've enforced this in the sample code -- it's not strictly necessary, but
>> >what does a negative relative tolerance mean, anyway, and a tolerance over
>> >1.0 has some odd behaviour with zero and could hardly be called "close"
>> >anyway. Text added to make this clear.
> I don't see why a tolerance over 1 should behave any more oddly with
> zero than a tolerance under 1.
> And as for "close", some people would argue that rel_tol=0.5 is "hardly
> close". Sometimes you might accept anything within an order of magnitude
> the expected value: anything up to 10*x is "close enough". Or 20 times.
> Who knows?
> (E.g. "guess the number of grains of sand on this beach".) Any upper
> limit you put in is completely arbitrary, and this function shouldn't be
> in the business of telling people how much error they are allowed to
> tolerate. It's easy for people to put in their own restrictions, but
> hard for them to work around yours.

I agree with this idea in principle.  I think weather we want to handle 
exceptions or not is more of an issue though.

If it does allow higher tolerances, then it does need to handle them 
correctly.  I don't see that as a difficult problem though.

I prefer the weak version myself.  Because if you graph the result of True 
values for rel_tolerance=1.  You get a graph where all like signed numbers 
are close.   A tolerance of .5 gives a graph of the fifty percent of middle 
like signed numbers.  And you can think of it as a percentage of the larger 
value.  Which tends to be easier than thinking about percent increase.

Also this recommends using this method.


So for the weak method and increasing values of tolerance:

A graphs of all True values fill from the like signed diagonal and 
converges on the unlike signed diagonal when rel_tolerance=2.  Values above 
that don't change anything,  they are all still true.  So rel_tolerance=1 
gives True for all like signed numbers.  And all unlike signed number is 
the graph rel_tolerance=2 minus the graph of rel_tolerance=1.

For the strong method, and increasing values of tolerance:

The graphs fill from the like signed diagonal axis first until t=2, (the 
like signed quadrants are not filled yet), then it also starts filling from 
the unlike signed axis. So t=3 shows an X pattern, with a wider area in the 
like signed quadrants.  I'm not sure what the upper value of t is needed so 
all values are True?  It may be inf,

Keep in mind these graphs are the sum of comparing all the different values 
given a particular value of t.

So it there isn't a reason to limit the range of the tolerance, it will 
work just fine if we don't.

It's much harder to pick a strong tolerance that gives some sort of 
specific behaviour. For that reason I prefer the weak version much more 
than the strong version.


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